Forums - is the ironman infinite cheap? Show all 110 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- is the ironman infinite cheap? ( Posted by aks216 on 04:01:2001 04:16 PM: i for one think it isn't. I was playing this kid, he was being all cocky since he beat me with a team i never used in my entire life(a kid picked this team and he had to go right before the match so i took his game). everytime i lost one guy he would always say "ONE GUY DOWN". so then i got a little angry so i decided to pick ironman, ken, akuma. i told him "watch out for my infinite". he says "don't worry, i know how to block it". now at this point, i'm thinkin to myself this kid's an idiot. how do you block ironman's infinite. once it get's goin, you can't block it, unless you can and i don't know about it. so then i pull off the infinite everytime, when i say everytime, i mean the ONLY thing i did was the infinite and call out akuma with a crossover. then this kid was like "OK, THIS IS CHEAP". well, the only way you can block an infinite is not to get hooked up into it. at least to my knowledge. and then i asked another kid, he said that ironman infinite was cheap too. so now my question is "is the ironman infinite cheap?". Posted by aks216 on 04:01:2001 04:19 PM: umm, oops, i think i posted this in the wrong category. heh i mostly post in this category so i forget which one is which. i guess i'll make sure i post in the right one next time. Posted by §inn on 04:01:2001 04:21 PM: ƒu¢k man, that bitch i§ tough not cheap in my eyes Posted by psx2000 on 04:01:2001 04:22 PM: no nothing is cheap Posted by Monkey on 04:01:2001 04:22 PM: Nothing is cheap! Infinites take mad skill, (Some anyway..) but I dont believe in cheapness.. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:01:2001 05:07 PM: In one word, NO! Posted by Ironmetal23 on 04:01:2001 05:36 PM: Hell no look at AHVBx3. I love using ironman and you got to love his infinite Posted by on 04:01:2001 05:40 PM: No, if people pull AHVBx3 in matches, they should be allowed to pull infinites. Posted by kymah on 04:01:2001 07:07 PM: After the first four hits, the damage reducer kicks in anyways, so it's like you're just doing jumping jabs all the time. And after 45 hits, the computer will break you combo anyways. And if your stupid enough to get caught in an infinite, then shut up, put in another quarter and try again. Posted by SinfestBoy on 04:01:2001 07:39 PM: yo man, who was that? was it friday or saturday? It was so funny how u kept getting the IM infinate off on like, almost everyone. but u need to repulsor blastXX photon cannon at the end! I am pretty sure u do that after an HP. Posted by aks216 on 04:01:2001 07:46 PM: it was on saturday. when you left. and bigrex left too. Posted by aks216 on 04:01:2001 07:47 PM: yeah, i gotta learn how to hook into the proton cannon. i'm gonna practice that right now. it was soo funny when he said "i know how to block the infinite". i mainly use ironman just for the infinite and the hookup from akuma into proton cannon. Posted by aks216 on 04:01:2001 07:51 PM: it was a skater kid guy. teenager. he's not good enough to beat MOST of the people at mid rivers. he can't compete with you, big rex, kth, me, my brother, you get the picture. Posted by SinfestBoy on 04:01:2001 08:02 PM: yo, man, when r u gonna be there again? I am gonna start coming EVERY friday after school, and I will try as hard as I can to get out there saturadys or any other day I can. god damn that 30 min drive! Posted by Lar-ry$ on 04:01:2001 08:03 PM: infinities are cheap , but they do take skill and are effective. Posted by aks216 on 04:01:2001 08:24 PM: i only come on thurday, friday, and saturdays. but i'm not sure if i can make it this friday, but i'll be there saturday. Posted by DEBONAIR on 04:01:2001 11:51 PM: Hell No.... It takes a lot of skill to execute Iron Man's infinite.. Your opponent was an idiot. Posted by MeTaL_MaGnUs on 04:02:2001 07:18 AM: I agree, If you suck enough to get caught in it, thats' your prob. No it's no cheap. I cables AHVBx5 cheap? how about dooms infinite or gambit's dissapearing act. Wait, Gambit's move is cheap (bad example). My theory is if it can be avoided then it's not cheap. Posted by MeTaL_MaGnUs on 04:02:2001 07:24 AM: quote: Originally posted by kymah After the first four hits, the damage reducer kicks in anyways, so it's like you're just doing jumping jabs all the time. And after 45 hits, the computer will break you combo anyways. And if your stupid enough to get caught in an infinite, then shut up, put in another quarter and try again. That only happens to me in training mode on my dreamcast. Icanget sbout 60 or so more hit's against characters that take good damage on the arcade. Posted by MeTaL_MaGnUs on 04:02:2001 11:53 PM: True, True. Posted by WhiTe ReFlection on 04:02:2001 11:55 PM: nah nothing is really cheap in mvc2...unless u abuse it over and over! Posted by BoBO tHE sTrANgE on 04:03:2001 12:13 AM: Infinites arent cheap because of the mad skill require to pull em off, but i feel they diminish the game a bit. Posted by SKY0810 on 04:03:2001 04:10 AM: when i do ironman's infinite... i only get compliment by ppl.... no one ever say cheap... and IMO.... its not cheap! Posted by BrazilionBH on 04:03:2001 04:22 AM: there is no way that it is cheap at least your hiting them and not runin!! Posted by MeTaL_MaGnUs on 04:03:2001 06:46 AM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH there is no way that it is cheap at least your hiting them and not runin!! I love that comment! I hate players that run, and do traps. I'm an aggressive player, no mater what character I use. I wish there was a rule against running and traps. Posted by Big Pete Roasa on 04:03:2001 03:04 PM: Iron Mans' Infinite takes mad skill? isn't it only four buttons, yes some do take skill but not Ironmans, Is it cheap well I see maybe if that's all you do every match but then again if your dumb enough to get caught in it every time you deserve to get beat so I say No it ain't cheap, Posted by Mana_boy on 04:03:2001 03:55 PM: God damn right its cheap. its way too easy to pull off.its only four buttons and you just hold the joystick in a way. you get it by one god danm psylocke anti-air assits and whammm here come iron man's infinite.Hey its hard to see psylocke comming.At least AHVB is harder and the other one too.(Well some others are easy too) This one is definitly the cheapess infinite that i have ever seen. Posted by MeTaL_MaGnUs on 04:03:2001 08:19 PM: Uhhhh..... the infinte is 3 buttons and 4 hits. Posted by highfury on 04:03:2001 10:30 PM: Whats ironman's infinite again? Posted by Mummy-B on 04:03:2001 10:50 PM: Unfortunately, I believe the essence of the word "infinite" in a video game is kinda cheap. However, I do agree that it takes a certain level of skill to pull it off. So I think the *game* makes the infinite cheap, but whoever uses it, more power to you - you figured it out so revel in it and kick the other guy's ass. Posted by UNCONKABLE!!!! on 04:03:2001 11:50 PM: No, not cheap... I want to know which kid was being cocky with you. I will teach him a lesson with War Machine, Sent, and Blackheart that he will never forget! Ironman sucks, now War Machine, that is where it is at! conk out, not unstoppable, just... UNCONKABLE!!!! Posted by Dem-Dem on 04:04:2001 12:01 AM: ironman I like to use ironman, But I don't use his infinite cause I don't know how to combo into it. But his zero air infinite is all on me. so the infinite is not cheap(if it's the only way for U to win then it's cheap). Ironman has more shit up his sleave then you can think of. Posted by COLLOSSALSKILLZ on 04:04:2001 12:28 AM: true dat... i think war machine is better than iron man. it's easier to pull off the infinite and he has that war destroyer super of his which chips a grip when comboed with doom's helper move. anyhow... i also think that infinites are kind of cheap but still everything's fair game in marvel. Posted by Eternal Fighter on 04:04:2001 01:09 AM: yea right It is definetly not cheap, anything in mvc2 is ok. MvC2 gives players the challenge to find the best way to defeat the opponent NO MATTER WHAT. It's not like mvc2 is the only fighter created with sf chars in it. If you dont like it, go play sf3. Posted by aks216 on 04:04:2001 02:46 AM: unconkable: it was some skater kid. he is kinda chubby, blonde spiky hair, he comes to mid rivers often, he won't play with the really good competition. he left right after the match sayin somethin like "i'm gonna tell people that ironman infinite is cheap" as if he's tryin to give me a bad name. i like ironman better because i can do proton cannon with the akuma expansion assist, but war machine sometimes juggles him. and the proton cannon can be hooked up easier "d.lp,, into proton cannon". Posted by AzN_Skater on 04:04:2001 05:24 AM: nope, IM infinte is totally not cheap, takes sooo much skill just setting it up, and the damage dished out isn't even that great... and IM is better then WM cuz you can combo the photon cannon... But war machines smart bombs look better (it has spikes for crying out loud!). hahahaha Posted by MeTaL_MaGnUs on 04:04:2001 05:28 AM: I use Iron Man because he's a hell of alot faster than War Machine. Posted by Mana_boy on 04:19:2001 02:12 AM: quote: Originally posted by AzN_Skater takes sooo much skill just setting it up WHAT your kidding right? too much skill? are you a newbie at this game?i could do the infinite with IM in one try.Just call psylocke anti-air.Man who uses infinte is really cheap(hehe i'm cheap doom's infinite is the best).They are so easy to pull off.No wonder they are not allowed in tournament or are they?? Posted by WhiteDragon01 on 04:19:2001 03:55 AM: i don't think its cheap b/c its hard to get off. Not many ppl get it my answer is no it is not cheap. Posted by UNCONKABLE!!!! on 04:20:2001 12:51 AM: Ironman vs War Machine.... Hmmm, I think the infinites(wm and irons') are both semi hard to set up. Lets see the set ups... 1)Air combo, otg u+rh, infinite.. 2)Jumping u+rh, infinite 3)Japanese vid set up, ducking jab, ducking strong, superjump cancel+jab, airdash+strong, rest of infinite, rinse and repeat 4)When somebody does a normal jump at you, jump at them with jab, then finish it into infinite from there(this is easiest for me) 5)My signature set up, aka the UNCONKABLE!!!! set up... start Ironman, jumping short, forward, dash, ducking jab, ducking strong, fly, hold forward, hit jab, strong, War Machine Repulsor Blast assist, up+Fierce, War Machine should be juggling them, cancel fly, jump forward and start the infinite. My team was currently War Machine, Sent, and Blackheart, but I want to put Ironman in there somewhere. Sent is too good to take out, Blackhearts anti air is too good with Sent and War Machine, and War Machine has some great normals that I like better than Iron Man along with his missiles and War Destroyer. What do all of you think? Also, aks216, check out our STL conks trashtalk thread! It is under the matchfinder forum and feel free to drop by and talk crap! Also, that kid looked like a HUGE scrub when you showed him to me! ha ha ha ha! conk out, not unstoppable, just... UNCONKABLE!!!! Posted by aks216 on 04:20:2001 01:37 AM: unconkable: for some reason, he picks ironman now. heh. he's a hypocrite i guess. but anyways, how do you do your airdash aircombo with warmachine. what buttons do you press for that. i only know the one that goes like...launch, lk, up+fierce, airdash, lp, lp, up+fierce, fly, lp, lp, up+fierce, unibeam. but i can't seem to get it to work a lot, they always end up to high. i can get it down sometimes though. it seems like you put more hits into it and seems more reliable. i looked at that stl conks thread. who is that guy? has he ever been to midrivers when i was there? what games does he play? cvs, mvc2, tekken tag. i play a little tekken tag, but keit told me you were really good. i need to play you, i'll probably loose though. HE PLAYS IRONMAN NOW!!! lol. after he said over and over that it was cheap. he abuses proton cannon too much and doesn't realize the lag on that, but he's still learnin. Posted by That One Guy on 04:20:2001 02:02 AM: I don't think anything's cheap. If you get caught in whatever, you either messed up, suck, or you're playing someone a LOT better than you are... I say if you say it's cheap, then you must suck. *shrugs* LoL! Some people say using Iron Man's infinite every match is cheap... That's what Iron Man is good for though. If his infinite is cheap, use Cable without doing his AHVB.... Posted by UNCONKABLE!!!! on 04:20:2001 02:36 AM: yo aks... Yo Aks, That is hilarious! Lighting K is a friend of mine, also known as Slips in the tekken world. He hated capcom games for a while, but one night, about a month ago, he played a couple of games of Super Turbo with us when drunk. Then he wanted to play again. He got addicted to it, then wanted to learn CvS so I JUST taught him that about a week ago. He is very skilled in Tekken and Super Turbo(but has a couple of things to learn in this game). He is probably one of the best Tekken Players in St. Louis right now. The War Machine air combo... launch, jab, short, strong, forward, up+fierce, airdash uf, short, forward, uf+fierce, fly, short, forward(call blackheart anti air assist), uf+fierce, jab missiles. So right after the jab missiles hit, Blackhearts inferno hits and you get a safe escape or keep the pressure. Note that when starting this combo, if you start the ground combo with ducking jab, ducking strong, standing roundhouse, the forward in the air combo needs to be taken out. Also note that if an assist hitting the opponent contributed to the combo at all, you will not be able to call Blackheart(one assist per combo rule) unless you initiate flying screen deterioration. Differences that I have noticed with War Machine and Iron Man 1)WarMachine has the much needed War Destroyer for anti-air 2)WarMachine is slower moving and his airdash ends quicker than Ironmans 3)WarMachine has hella startup on proton cannon, but almost no lag afterward while Ironman has almost no startup, but hella lag afterward(Dr. Doom, after blocking my fullscreen proton cannon, managed to hit me with that ball super and I couldn't block it in time! FUCK!) 4)WarMachine has low projectile missles while Ironman can only shoot high ones. Ironman has a bit of startup on his jab unibeam while Warmachine doesn't have barely anystartup on his jab missiles. 5)Ironman's airdash is faster 6)Ironman's fly brings him slightly lower off of the ground when you initialize it than WarMachine's. 7)WarMachine has NO lag after you block his standing fierce while Ironman has a LOT of lag after it is blocked(I know you can cancel it into a unibeam, but your opponent can jump the beam and severely punish you if you get too predictable). 8)WarMachine's Repulsor Blast is a lot quicker than Ironman's and a lot more useful. Ironman's is the slowest of all time. 9)Warmachine's ducking fierce beam does negative damage at max distance while Ironman's does decent damage all around. 10)WarMachine's Proton cannon suffers from "bounce" syndrom sometimes while Ironmans is always reliable and punishes helpers better. Has anybody noticed any other differences that I didn't? Basically I love how War Machine plays, but I hate his proton cannon. I hate the lag that Ironman has after a lot of his moves, but his proton cannon is SO good for punishing helpers, DHCing, etc. Also, I will play you in tekken sometime. Just ask. conk out, not unstoppable, just... UNCONKABLE!!!! Posted by MeTaL_MaGnUs on 05:03:2001 05:27 AM: I noticed was that most of war machines normal attacks come out slower. I only use Iron man more than war machine because of my style of play. Theres really no better character. They both have strengths over each other as well as weaknesses. Posted by syscobeam on 05:03:2001 06:07 AM: hell....i love that IM infinite...i dont even mind if im caught in juss show i was dumb enough to get caught in if any say IM infinite is cheap...well THEY'RE WRONG....they have no idea on how 2 play the game!!!!! Posted by ShoryukenBlast on 05:03:2001 11:38 AM: You know what was cheap!? When i first imported M Vs C2 and i dont even know how to really play. So my friend spends the night and hes like theres a two!! So we start playing he picks 3 megamans(I downloaded a save)! I beat him like 3 times. Hes gotten alot better now and he still plays but whats annoying is he plays mega man well now so if im beating him too much hell whip that out and ill ussually beat it but damn too many fireballs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted by ShoryukenBlast on 05:03:2001 11:39 AM: 3x Megaman gets too wide open if you just shoot and combo. Hell Shoot then cable will walk out AHVBx3 . Even though i suck at doing the AHVBx3 i can ussually get two out. Posted by DavestA on 05:03:2001 12:34 PM: i agree if pulling off 4 aHVB's is legal then IM infinite definetly should be legal.. Posted by MeTaL_MaGnUs on 06:17:2001 03:06 AM: quote: Originally posted by DavestA i agree if pulling off 4 aHVB's is legal then IM infinite definetly should be legal.. THANK YOU! Someone has been enlighted. Posted by g_ngan on 06:17:2001 04:44 AM: i dun think it's cheap.....but all my friends said it is~ they just dunno how hard it is to do the infinite 1 of my friend tried doing it...and can't after 15 hits~ they just have no idea it's hard to do it~(i dun think this infinite is hard as other's infinite though)hehe Posted by Murakumo on 06:17:2001 06:22 AM: hehe I'm getting better at the infinite each time I visit the arcade now... Last time I went, teeheehee teeheehee, I'm starting to get a little cheaper with it(though this was vs. the comp. after people left... I'll do it on them soon) I was working on the infinite into a snapback, guardbreak, infinite, repeat and keep going... killed off two characters and the dropped the 3rd when I messed up. My goal which will be very cheap... set it up once and get them into the corner with it, snapback at about 40 hits(so it isn't broken), then do the guard breaks into it, etc. killing their first two... on the thrird finish with Proton Cannon(DHC optional) finish. That'd be nice(and prolly considered cheap, but hey, what wins does win) and spiffy. Am I asking for too much? Will I be able to do this?... I sure hope so. Then I'll pay all the B*tche$ at my arcade back for their damn AHVBs that they used when I was first starting to play!!! And they won't be able to say crap about cheap... and if they do... who cares, I'll have just kicked their asses! ^_^ ~Murakumo Posted by n817azn on 06:17:2001 06:36 AM: IMO being cheap is something everybody can do and is what scrubs do cuz they got no skillz. Iron Mans infinite is only cheap to them cuz they can't do it. It takes quite a bit of skill to do the infinite, and not everybody can do it. Thats why it is not cheap. n8 Posted by Mr. Bojangles on 06:17:2001 02:56 PM: IM infinite is not cheap. The only stuff that is cheap is anything that is completely unescapable, or that takes advantage of a glitch. Guard breaks are cheap as fuck. But infinites are not, it's your fault if you get caught. Also, you can't say something isn't cheap because it's hard to do. Difficulty of performance has absolutely nothing to do with the inescapability of the tactic. Just because guard breaks are hard (well, maybe not Cable's), doesn't mean that they're not cheap. Posted by n817azn on 06:17:2001 03:21 PM: Well like i said thats my opinion. I believe that if it takes a good amount of skill to perform then its not cheap(especially in MvsC2). Guard breaks are a little cheap cuz it does not take that much skill to perform, its pretty simple to gb someone. n8 Posted by The Iceman on 06:18:2001 05:48 PM: Ironman Ironman's infinite is not a cheap move if u hook it right Posted by MeTaL_MaGnUs on 07:01:2001 10:49 PM: I didn't know you could hit someone with the snapback while there in the infinite. Hmmm.... Posted by Monkey on 07:01:2001 10:51 PM: aks216: Nothing is cheap. Posted by MeTaL_MaGnUs on 07:01:2001 10:55 PM: I couldn't agree more. Posted by Monkey on 07:01:2001 10:56 PM: The only thing that is cheap, are the people that dont put 25 cents into the machine to play you. Posted by MeTaL_MaGnUs on 07:01:2001 11:03 PM: I'm not gonna stop using the infinte. Who's with me? Posted by LOU on 07:02:2001 12:39 AM: if you cant get out of the infinet is because your a retard and you forget to block Posted by Murakumo on 07:02:2001 01:09 AM: Tha hell you smokin Lou... obviously you don't play IM then... the only time you can start blocking during their "infinite" it is because they're not performing it correctly... ~Murakumo Posted by GeekBoy on 07:02:2001 01:29 AM: As long as it's not the gambit glitch, it's not cheap. Posted by GtXbY32 on 07:02:2001 02:10 AM: quote: Originally posted by MeTaL_MaGnUs I agree, If you suck enough to get caught in it, thats' your prob. No it's no cheap. I cables AHVBx5 cheap? how about dooms infinite or gambit's dissapearing act. Wait, Gambit's move is cheap (bad example). My theory is if it can be avoided then it's not cheap. scrubs at my arcade always try to do the gambit glitch and it can be avoided so it aint cheap... what i do is just do a hyper grab when they r doing that wall bounce move or an AHVBor proton cannon or the butterfly super with psylocke Posted by WarMachine420 on 07:02:2001 06:01 AM: NO WAY it's not cheap!!! I hate peopel who talk shit about it or rag on IM sayin' "IM sucks he's not any good." If the ground combo into infinite to proton cannon was discovered when AHVB were I'll bet they wouldn't say that and he would be considered top tier by the majority. I think he is top tier. the only thing that really gives IM shit is the Blackheart assit 'cause it makes it so you can't do smart bombs without smart bombs IM would be nothing. Iron Man is the SHIT! Posted by master ken on 07:02:2001 06:39 AM: There is no way that an infinite combo is cheap. Like everyone said, it takes skills to do an infinite combo. However, I admit that IM's infinite is easy to do. One thing for sure is that this infinite is less cheap than 4XAHVB or Cable's guard break or traps. Therefore, fill absolotely free to do whatever you want when you play. Just tell that kid to participate in an MvC2 tournament and he will see what people do to win(infinites, trapes, grabs etc). Posted by MeTaL_MaGnUs on 07:06:2001 03:50 AM: quote: Originally posted by GtXbY32 scrubs at my arcade always try to do the gambit glitch and it can be avoided so it aint cheap... what i do is just do a hyper grab when they r doing that wall bounce move or an AHVBor proton cannon or the butterfly super with psylocke There is only 1 shur fire way to get the glitch off. I you have gambit and doom all you have to do is call doom and do the glitch. If it doesn't work the first time then you try it again. I know it can be avoided. what I mean was after it's done there is no way out. Posted by MeTaL_MaGnUs on 07:06:2001 03:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by Murakumo Tha hell you smokin Lou... obviously you don't play IM then... the only time you can start blocking during their "infinite" it is because they're not performing it correctly... ~Murakumo The best way out of the infinite is to block the whole time. Don't wiggle the joystick, mash buttons or hit you opponents hand. Just Block. Posted by MeTaL_MaGnUs on 07:06:2001 04:02 AM: quote: Originally posted by WarMachine420 The only thing that really gives IM shit is the Blackheart assit 'cause it makes it so you can't do smart bombs without smart bombs IM would be nothing. Iron Man is the SHIT! That's not the only thing. Not many people use this but, Guile's AAA is probably the most effective assist I'v seen for a Smart Bomb shooting Iron Man. They stop the smart bombs and hit Iron Man no matter what. It's very hard to dodge Guile's AAA once he's on the screen and Iron Man is in the air. You can usually air dash out of Blackhearts assist, but not Guile's. Guile's a great counter (as an assist) character for Iron Man. Posted by Geronimo on 07:06:2001 05:34 AM: quote: Originally posted by aks216 i for one think it isn't. I was playing this kid, he was being all cocky since he beat me with a team i never used in my entire life(a kid picked this team and he had to go right before the match so i took his game). everytime i lost one guy he would always say "ONE GUY DOWN". so then i got a little angry so i decided to pick ironman, ken, akuma. i told him "watch out for my infinite". he says "don't worry, i know how to block it". now at this point, i'm thinkin to myself this kid's an idiot. how do you block ironman's infinite. once it get's goin, you can't block it, unless you can and i don't know about it. so then i pull off the infinite everytime, when i say everytime, i mean the ONLY thing i did was the infinite and call out akuma with a crossover. then this kid was like "OK, THIS IS CHEAP". well, the only way you can block an infinite is not to get hooked up into it. at least to my knowledge. and then i asked another kid, he said that ironman infinite was cheap too. so now my question is "is the ironman infinite cheap?". No, they're not cuz if he was as good as he tought he was he shoulda seen that comin and he shoulda been prepared Posted by MeTaL_MaGnUs on 07:07:2001 05:59 PM: It's hard to predict when someone's gonna try the infinite Posted by *Magneto* on 07:07:2001 07:00 PM: quote: Originally posted by psx2000 no nothing is cheap Which is true. I only use ininites on ppl that are really pissing me off. Posted by IcemanBling on 07:07:2001 09:16 PM: can u guys tell me the infinite that u guys are talkin about thx Posted by n817azn on 07:08:2001 03:56 AM: Screw anyone who says the infinite is cheap, i dun give a fuk, i'll do it and if they say its cheap i'll say too damn bad live with it. I don't care what anyone says, once i get you into it i'll juggle your ass all they way to the corner for about 40 or so hits then PC your ass to your death. Then i'll gb your next character then inf. again until i decide to either snapback yo' ass or PC you. The point is that most people say its cheap, or anything is cheap just because they lose........GET OVER IT!!!!!!!! I lose and i don't complain, hey you lose some you win some, so you can say what you want, but if i get you in the inf. i'm not gonna stop it just cuz some whiner thinks its cheap, it took me a long ass time to learn and i'll be damned if i aint gonna use it. n8 Posted by Naslectronical on 07:08:2001 04:16 AM: quote: Originally posted by n817azn Screw anyone who says the infinite is cheap, i dun give a fuk, i'll do it and if they say its cheap i'll say too damn bad live with it. I don't care what anyone says, once i get you into it i'll juggle your ass all they way to the corner for about 40 or so hits then PC your ass to your death. Then i'll gb your next character then inf. again until i decide to either snapback yo' ass or PC you. The point is that most people say its cheap, or anything is cheap just because they lose........GET OVER IT!!!!!!!! I lose and i don't complain, hey you lose some you win some, so you can say what you want, but if i get you in the inf. i'm not gonna stop it just cuz some whiner thinks its cheap, it took me a long ass time to learn and i'll be damned if i aint gonna use it. n8 Word. The losers in my arcade think that everything besides rushdown is cheap. So if they call out their assist in front of my metered up Cable. I shouldn't AHVB them to death? Why the hell not? Cheap=People to lazy to find a way around something they can't beat, so they'd rather just sit back and bitch and moan rather than try to improve. Posted by GeekBoy on 07:08:2001 04:52 AM: If you don't like the infinite, don't play me when I have Iron Man. Posted by kingofkod on 07:09:2001 06:41 AM: Ironman infinite is hard? what the hell? Just call out Psylocke assist and hold U/F and hit Jab,Jab,Short,Fierce. You might have to switch to short,jab,short, fierce everyonce in a while cuz they're falling. but how is that hard? I wouldn't say it was cheap if it was hard to do but that thing is ridiculously simple. lol and i saw someone saying it wasn't cheap cuz after the first few hits the damage is reduced but what does that matter? it's still a 4 button one direction infinite which even a scrub could do. I use Ironman but i don't use his infinite. It's just not fun to do when playing against someone. Posted by kingofkod on 07:09:2001 06:43 AM: Had to add this in...that guy that said Ironman would suck without the smart bombs is right. He'd get murdered all day. And the guy talking about Guile's assist kililng ironman was right too. Guile can get annoying...although i use him on my team. Posted by TheMummy on 07:09:2001 03:40 PM: no its not!!! Posted by KungfuJoe on 07:09:2001 03:56 PM: I don't see it to be cheap only agrivating when your in one, but just like what everyone else has said before if you pull mutli AHVB then why not. Posted by KungfuJoe on 07:09:2001 03:59 PM: quote: Originally posted by kingofkod Had to add this in...that guy that said Ironman would suck without the smart bombs is right. He'd get murdered all day. And the guy talking about Guile's assist kililng ironman was right too. Guile can get annoying...although i use him on my team. The same goes for Cable with out his glitch he is cannon fodder. Posted by *Magneto* on 07:09:2001 04:14 PM: It's considered cheap but really is a good way to piss ppl off. Posted by Juppling on 07:09:2001 11:33 PM: The Ironman infinite itself is not hard to do.....but setting it up on a good player is somewhat hard. Using psylocke to set it up is one way to set it up but requires you to jump immediately after psylocke comes out. So you would have to actually hit him with psylocke too which isn't easy to do on a good player. The launch combo where you do a sj neutral fierce, then df airdash into short short upward fierce -> land then infinite, isn't that hard to get off but his launcher doesn't reach that far so you have to be somewhat close. The Japanese startup is very hard and requires fast reflexes and madd practise. So all 'n all, I think it takes skill to actually get the infinite off in a game. If a guy just jumped into you and didn't block and allowed you to do an infinite, it's a piece of cake to do. So I wouldn't say it's cheap at all. Besides, without the infinite, nobody would use iron man that much. Posted by kingofkod on 07:09:2001 11:55 PM: About the AHVBx3. It is cheap as hell but that doesn't change the fact that you have to have 3 meters in the first place. With Ironman you don't use any super meter or anything. So it is cheap. But not as ridiculous as Ironman's. Especially with the "gaurd break and kill your entire team" thing. Posted by TheMummy on 07:10:2001 11:51 AM: quote: Originally posted by TheMummy no its not!!! His infinite is quite very easy to use against normal characters Posted by EXKanzenSouzou on 07:10:2001 05:25 PM: iron-man infinite hey guys, im sorta new with iron man. i just wondered if there is any other way to start the iron-man infinite other than the : HK, sj.LK, sj.MK, sj.HP, sj.HK (OTG) jump up, and start the infinite (j.LP, j.LK, j.MK. j. HP upward) well, i think thats it. Anyway, i wanted to know it there is another starter combo or an assist that can start up the infinite. Posted by EXKanzenSouzou on 07:10:2001 05:27 PM: iron-man infinite hey guys, im sorta new with iron man. i just wondered if there is any other way to start the iron-man infinite other than the : HK, sj.LK, sj.MK, sj.HP, sj.HK (OTG) jump up, and start the infinite (j.LP, j.LK, j.MK. j. HP upward) well, i think thats it. Anyway, i wanted to know it there is another starter combo or an assist that can start up the infinite.Marvel VS Capcom 2 Posted by n817azn on 07:10:2001 06:01 PM: If you want assists to the iron man infinite go here and check out my im assist to inf. guide-------------> as for combos into the inf. you can either jump on them and do a up + rh, or a lk, up + rh. and the launch set-up you have is wrong, it goes like this rh, sj. fp, ad df, lk, lk, up + fp, land, jump up inf......... there are complete explinations of Iron man in geekboys iron man guide, just look up his user name in the search engine and you'll find it.Hope this helps n8 Posted by MeTaL_MaGnUs on 07:13:2001 07:27 AM: quote: Originally posted by Naslectronical Word. The losers in my arcade think that everything besides rushdown is cheap. So if they call out their assist in front of my metered up Cable. I shouldn't AHVB them to death? Why the hell not? Cheap=People to lazy to find a way around something they can't beat, so they'd rather just sit back and bitch and moan rather than try to improve. Couldn't have said it better. Posted by Warlock on 07:13:2001 09:18 AM: the IM infinate is not cheap, it's debatable on it's difficulty, but it's far from cheap, it's really effective and an inportant aspect of the game , and very effective with IM players as well Posted by kingofkod on 07:13:2001 07:28 PM: quote: Originally posted by Warlock the IM infinate is not cheap, it's debatable on it's difficulty, but it's far from cheap, it's really effective and an inportant aspect of the game , and very effective with IM players as well Of course it's's an infinite combo. And what exactly makes it an important aspect of the game? Posted by Warlock on 07:13:2001 07:56 PM: well not just the IM infinate, I meant to say all the infinates in general are a very important aspect of the game, sorry I goofed on that last post Posted by MeTaL_MaGnUs on 07:13:2001 09:53 PM: quote: Originally posted by kingofkod Of course it's's an infinite combo. And what exactly makes it an important aspect of the game? It's farely hard to catch a skilled player in the infinte. So why is it cheap? Are you not skilled? Posted by kingofkod on 07:14:2001 05:24 AM: quote: Originally posted by MeTaL_MaGnUs It's farely hard to catch a skilled player in the infinte. So why is it cheap? Are you not skilled? It's cheap because it's an infinite combo. And i'm a farely skilled player. I've only been caught in that Ironman infinite once and that was when my character only had about 10% of his life left so it didnt' really matter. I think getting caught in the infinite depends more on your style of play than your skill level. If you're playing keep away it'd be pretty hard for Iron Man to land his infinite on you but if you're playing rushdown a random Psylocke assist or the Japanese setup is much more likely. Of course this is only if 2 people of the same skill level are playing. A scrub playing keepaway against a good players is more likely to get hit by it than a good player playing rushdown. You know what i mean? Posted by kingofkod on 07:14:2001 05:35 AM: Just to post about infinites in general...i think they'll probably change up the combo system for the next game a bit like they did in the mortal kombat games. In the first Mortal Kombat you could juggle people to death in the corner and they changed it so you couldn't do that in the next few installments. Eventually ending up with the "Maximum Combo" thing where it'd break your combo if you did more than 45% damage. I myself wouldn't mind them adding someting like this to the Vs games but I would have it that if it contained Hyper Combos then the percent counter would start over so that you could still have Delayed Hyper Combos and all that. I just thought that would make certain "cheap" things less cheap since you'd have to do them at least twice to win. Of course you might say "there'd still be AHVB x 3" but even with that infinite you've gotta have 3 hyper combo bars in the first place. Any thoughts on my idea? Posted by MeTaL_MaGnUs on 07:14:2001 08:14 PM: quote: Originally posted by kingofkod It's cheap because it's an infinite combo. And i'm a farely skilled player. I've only been caught in that Ironman infinite once and that was when my character only had about 10% of his life left so it didnt' really matter. I think getting caught in the infinite depends more on your style of play than your skill level. If you're playing keep away it'd be pretty hard for Iron Man to land his infinite on you but if you're playing rushdown a random Psylocke assist or the Japanese setup is much more likely. Of course this is only if 2 people of the same skill level are playing. A scrub playing keepaway against a good players is more likely to get hit by it than a good player playing rushdown. You know what i mean? That's a good point. This is just another thread that expresses opinions. I beleive nothing is cheap. I think somthing that can't be beat is cheap. The Iron-Man infinte can be beat. Posted by MeTaL_MaGnUs on 07:14:2001 08:16 PM: quote: Originally posted by kingofkod Just to post about infinites in general...i think they'll probably change up the combo system for the next game a bit like they did in the mortal kombat games. In the first Mortal Kombat you could juggle people to death in the corner and they changed it so you couldn't do that in the next few installments. Eventually ending up with the "Maximum Combo" thing where it'd break your combo if you did more than 45% damage. I myself wouldn't mind them adding someting like this to the Vs games but I would have it that if it contained Hyper Combos then the percent counter would start over so that you could still have Delayed Hyper Combos and all that. I just thought that would make certain "cheap" things less cheap since you'd have to do them at least twice to win. Of course you might say "there'd still be AHVB x 3" but even with that infinite you've gotta have 3 hyper combo bars in the first place. Any thoughts on my idea? I like it. Posted by jinster on 07:14:2001 10:00 PM: quote: Originally posted by Big Pete Roasa Iron Mans' Infinite takes mad skill? isn't it only four buttons, yes some do take skill but not Ironmans, Is it cheap well I see maybe if that's all you do every match but then again if your dumb enough to get caught in it every time you deserve to get beat so I say No it ain't cheap, How much more buttons you want? =) Posted by MeTaL_MaGnUs on 07:14:2001 11:17 PM: quote: Originally posted by jinster How much more buttons you want? =) lol Posted by WKDCLWN on 07:15:2001 01:52 AM: Of course it is cheap, but on the same note so is half of the stuff that goes on in MvsC2. You like to say that if its in the game then its not cheap, or if your opponent had skill, or blah blah blah. Its cheap face it. Do you really think Capcom meant for one of their fighting games to have infinite combos? Give me a break, that is a very unfair advantage that is unfair and yes CHEAP! Yeah I know, but other guys can do supers over and over again, but guess what? They have to be earned and used up, unlike an infinite combo. Just face it, it is cheesy, but hey, so is the whole game. Just something that people have to deal with when playing Marvel vs. Chees...Capcom2. Posted by EvilKen02 on 07:15:2001 05:11 AM: I dunno about you, but remember X-men vs. Street Fighter? Nearly everyone had an infinite. And to be honest, that detracted from the fun of the game a lot IMHO. I don't like infinites nor do i like getting caught in AHVB, but I don't think their cheap. They take great skill to master and to use, but the argument of "if u can't avoid it ur a moron" is a little too overboard. Are you saying whenever someone gets AHVBed it's cuz their stupid? Maybe the other guy's really good (to hit u with it anyway). On a side note, I've never seen the machine stop the infinite after 45hits or something like like that. But I do like the idea of capping the damage like what kingofkod said. Posted by dbtrunks01 on 07:17:2001 12:39 PM: you shouldn't get caught in it so u shouldn't have to worry about it Posted by Dan3xcombo on 07:17:2001 01:48 PM: I just gotta get in this I saw everyone just puttin stuff in to this so I thought hey, I will it is. Iron man has a somewhat limited arsenal, He does not have a whole hell of a lot of move's but what moves he has are great sure there kinda hard to avoid but, I said hard to avoid not Impossible.................Blah and there it is. Posted by MeTaL_MaGnUs on 07:20:2001 03:39 AM: quote: Originally posted by WKDCLWN Of course it is cheap, but on the same note so is half of the stuff that goes on in MvsC2. You like to say that if its in the game then its not cheap, or if your opponent had skill, or blah blah blah. Its cheap face it. Do you really think Capcom meant for one of their fighting games to have infinite combos? Give me a break, that is a very unfair advantage that is unfair and yes CHEAP! Yeah I know, but other guys can do supers over and over again, but guess what? They have to be earned and used up, unlike an infinite combo. Just face it, it is cheesy, but hey, so is the whole game. Just something that people have to deal with when playing Marvel vs. Chees...Capcom2. Can you do the infinte? Do you use it? Posted by MeTaL_MaGnUs on 07:20:2001 03:46 AM: quote: Originally posted by EvilKen02 I dunno about you, but remember X-men vs. Street Fighter? Nearly everyone had an infinite. And to be honest, that detracted from the fun of the game a lot IMHO. I don't like infinites nor do i like getting caught in AHVB, but I don't think their cheap. They take great skill to master and to use, but the argument of "if u can't avoid it ur a moron" is a little too overboard. Are you saying whenever someone gets AHVBed it's cuz their stupid? Maybe the other guy's really good (to hit u with it anyway). On a side note, I've never seen the machine stop the infinite after 45hits or something like like that. But I do like the idea of capping the damage like what kingofkod said. The key to not getting caught in somthing is to look out for it don't just jump in and attack when the other charachter is just sitting there he obviously has somthing waiting. And about the 45 hit cut off, well that depends on what you used to set up the infinte. If you used a manual set up like the japanese set up it will dizzy your opponent after about 55 hits. but if your opponent jumps at you and you do it, I't usually cuts off at 45 exactly. Try it. You probly never seen it cut off becuse the person always died during the infinite. It won't just cut off at 45 hits. Posted by bleyl on 07:20:2001 05:02 AM: im sick of hearing oppinions of whats cheap and what isnt, am i the only one? Posted by Chuckles8421 on 07:20:2001 06:17 AM: bleyl, i agree with you totally, this whole thread is a scrubby idea. The infinite is in the game, its not some glitch, War Machine had it in MVC1, so the programmers knew about it, and they left it in, so its gonna be allowed in tourneys and its gonna be used on you. If you think thats cheap then fine, but its not gonna get it banned or get people to stop using it, it will just make the more mature players think less of you, so this whole thread is degrading to the game and completely pointless, i think all threads that are asking Is Such and Such Cheap are just stupid and a waste of space on the STRATEGY AND TACTICS section of these forums. It has no helpful information nor a Strategy or Tactics question, so if poeple want to start asking whats cheap and whats not, go to the Gaming Discussion and start a committee to determine cheapness or whatever, but stop wasting space on the STRATEGY AND TACTICS forum, cause this is neither. Posted by MeTaL_MaGnUs on 07:22:2001 07:09 PM: quote: Originally posted by bleyl im sick of hearing oppinions of whats cheap and what isnt, am i the only one? no Posted by Ryoku on 07:22:2001 09:02 PM: no Posted by MeTaL_MaGnUs on 07:25:2001 10:49 PM: See. All times are GMT. The time now is 09:33 PM. Show all 110 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.